3M™ Safety & Security Window Film has been incorporated into thousands of schools. Schools have chosen this solution because:
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We recently learned about 3M Window Film for our home, and during the process we were informed that 3M has a Security Window Film and Attachment System that is being used by hundreds of schools across the nation to help deter an intruder from entering the building through the window. The glass on windows and doors of a school can be a vulnerable entry point into the building and replacing the windows with fortified glass is expensive. 3M Security Window Films & Attachment Systems are a cost effective way that to upgrade your windows that can deter an intruder from entering the building for as long as 2 minutes. The link below has a lot of information on how beneficial this product is for schools.
Please review the information and get back to me on the possibility of using this product to help upgrade the security of the school.
3M recommends the following safety products for added security: