Location: Southeastern U.S.
Type: Independent, non-profit university medical center
Beds: 800+
Hospital statistics: 30,000+ surgeries | 1,500,000+ ambulatory visits | 60,000+ ER visits
This university medical center recently implemented a new EHR and underwent organizational structure changes to its coding team. During these changes, the organization set goals to improve its coder performance, reduce its discharged not final billed (DNFB) rate and increase diagnosis specificity rates for common problem areas. And, as a Vizient® member, a healthcare performance improvement company, the medical center was also motivated to improve its performance in Vizient-focused areas.
The medical center needed a tool that could provide customized coding edits tailored to its specific business needs. It determined that the Custom Edits function in their 3M coding system was a perfect fit.
The medical center, a long-standing 3M client, implemented Custom Edits without technical issues and quickly began to see improvements.
Successful Custom Edits
Business need:
The medical center saw a large increase in births from 2,500 to over 3,800 in just three years. With this dramatic increase in births, a recurring quality issue began to appear: An invalid maternity admit diagnosis code was commonly being entered by the nursing staff.
The “invalid newborn diagnosis” CustomEdit was put in place so the coders could catch the incorrect diagnosis code and enter the correct one.
How the Custom Edit was implemented:
When the “Invalid newborn diagnosis” Custom Edit triggers, it instructs the coder to correct the newborn admit diagnosis before continuing the coding session.
The medical center ranks this Custom Edit as “normal severity,” which does not prevent the coder from completing the record before resolving the issue.
Real Results:
Business need:
The medical center uses over 20 different Custom Edit messages related to their Vizient needs. The edit topics include cardiac arrhythmia, chronic liver disease, sepsis, malnutrition, respiratory failure, acute renal failure, chronic kidney disease, etc.
The medical center pays close attention to these Vizient-related codes because they are tracked for quality performance in Vizient’s member-driven performance improvement system.
How the Custom Edit was implemented:
When the “Vizient Sepsis code” triggers, the Custom Edit in the 3M coding system instructs the coder to query the physician for symptom confirmation before continuing the coding session.
The medical center ranks this Custom Edit as “high severity,” which prevents the coder from completing the record until the issue is resolved.
Real Results:
Custom Edits helped this medical center achieve its organizational goal of improving the accuracy of diagnosing Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) versus Acute Tubular Necrosis. The results below demonstrate the AKI specificity improvement the organization saw over a period of eight months.
Real Results:
In its 3M coding system, the medical center uses 28 unique Custom Edits created for various purposes. Custom Edits give the organization the flexibility to turn off certain edits as they become unnecessary and turn them back on as needed for training, accuracy or other reasons, depending on each Custom Edit’s purpose.
The medical center has seen real results and received high value from the Custom Edits feature.
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