Powered Air Purifying Respirators

  • When comfort is designed into respiratory protection products, workers can focus on the work and not the PPE. The 3M™ Versaflo™ Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) is engineered for versatility and customisation, so safety managers can build the system that works for their employees. Choose from a wide range of headgear and helmets, breathing tubes and blower units to customise a PAPR solution that works for a variety of industries, from sandblasting to welding.

    Ready to select the PAPR best for your environment? View all 3M PAPRs on our online catalog.

Worker wearing a powered air purifying respirator
Your employees. They work hard to create great things.

Give them the comfort they need to help them give their best. Request a PAPR demonstration today.


Help them give their best. Choose 3M™ Versaflo™ Systems for powered air purifying respirators.

  • Long-lasting comfort

    3M™ PAPRs deliver filtered air, all shift long, for respiratory protection and comfort your employees will want to wear.

  • Limited fit testing

    Loose fitting hoods and helmets eliminate the need for fit testing. Tight fitting facepieces used with PAPR assemblies are required to be fit tested.

  • Integrate other PPE

    Some of the 3M PAPR systems provide the option for combining respiratory, head, eye and face protection, that can be customised for almost any work environment.

  • Protection for your industry

    From heavy industrial, construction and transportation to pharmaceuticals and healthcare, 3M PAPRs can be used in multiple environments.

Comparing the 3M™ Versaflo™ PAPR Systems

The blower unit delivers filtered air to the system while also housing the battery, filter and filter cover. Review factors such as work environment and shift duration, then choose from the appropriate blower unit configuration that is right for your hazards.

  • 3M TR-300+ PAPR Respirator
    TR-300+ PAPR

    P3 Particle filter only

    • Cleaning: Wipe down only
    • Headtop Compatibility: M-Series, S-Series
    • Motor Blower Weight: 390g w/o battery pack
    • Intrinsically Safe: No

    Watch TR-300 Cleaning Video

  • 3M TR-600 PAPR Respirator
    TR-600 PAPR

    P3 Particle plus multiple chemical cartridges

    • Cleaning: Wipe down, rinse or submerge using TR-653 Cleaning & Storage Kit
    • Headtop Compatibility: M-Series, S-Series, H-Series, 3M™ Speedglas™ Welding Helmets
    • Motor Blower Weight: 670g w/o battery pack
    • Intrinsically Safe: No

    Watch TR-600 air speed video

    Watch TR-600 battery video

    Watch TR-600 cleaning video

  • 3M TR-800 IS PAPR Respiratory
    TR-800 IS PAPR

    Intrinsically safe motor/blower with HEPA filter plus multiple chemical cartridges

    • Cleaning: Wipe down, rinse or submerge using TR-653 Cleaning & Storage Kit
    • Headtop Compatibility: M-Series, S-Series
    • Motor Blower Weight: 710g w/o battery pack
    • Intrinsically Safe: Yes - Blower with battery certified to UL/IEC 60079 (2013)

    Watch TR-800 air speed video

    Watch TR-800 battery video

    Watch TR-800 cleaning video

An all-in-one solution for integrated protection and communication.

The 3M™ Versaflo™ Helmets M-300 Series can offer integrated protection from a range of respiratory, head, eye, face and hearing hazards as well as the ability to communicate.

  • product image of 3M Versaflo Helmets M-300 Series

    3M™ Versaflo™ Helmets M-300 Series

    Lightweight, compact and easy to maintain, 3M™ Versaflo™ M-Series headtops can help protect your workers from a variety of respiratory and impact hazards while maintaining comfort. Now able to be used with 3M™ PELTOR™ headsets, M-300 Helmets offer you the possibility to communicate while helping protect your hearing in noisy environments.

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We're here to help

Got questions? Get in touch with our respiratory protection specialists.


How a PAPR system works

A powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) is a system that uses a fan to deliver filtered air into a variety of headgear and facepiece options. Many different PAPR configurations from 3M are available to fit a wide range of workplace and wearer comfort needs.

PAPR systems are available as face-mounted, helmet-mounted and belt-mounted configurations. Most systems will include a headpiece, breathing tube (if applicable), motor-blower unit, battery, filter and/or cartridge. Depending on the headgear chosen, certain PAPR systems can also provide head, eye and face protection.

Learn more about 3M PAPR

  • Whether you need to heat, cool or regulate airflow on the job, our line of supplied air valves can help ensure the temperature and airflow that's being delivered to your workers' headtops is customised to their needs.