Under Work Health and Safety Legislation in Australia, ‘persons conducting a business or undertaking' (PCBU) are required to manage the risk to health and safety due to hazardous noise in the workplace, and must ensure workers are not exposed to workplace noise above the workplace exposure standard (WES) of LAeq,8h of 85 dB(A) or LC,peak of 140 dB(C). The Safe Work Australia Code of Practice: Managing noise and preventing hearing loss at work, provides support for complying with the regulatory noise exposure standard, and The Australia/New Zealand Standards AS/NZS1269 series, provides guidance on all facets of managing noise in the workplace including implementing a Noise Management Program (also known as a Hearing Conservation Program). Whether you are setting up a Hearing Conservation Program for the first time or looking to improve an existing program, 3M can help.
When using 3M product, we can organize training, toolbox talks, on Hearing and Hearing Protection Awareness.
Fitting E-A-R™ Earplugs (Pre-molded and Push-Ins style) – YouTube
Fitting Foam Earplugs – YouTube
Fitting Push-Ins Earplugs – YouTube
3M E-A-R™ Roll Model - Chromeless Video Player (brightcove.com)
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The sense of hearing is accomplished by a process known as auditory transduction. The ear converts sound waves in the air into electrical impulses in the brain. This video explores this process and provides an explanation of the inner workings of the ear and how bones play a part.