Source To Pay Transactions

Change Supplier Direct Location

Transacting electronically is a requirement for all suppliers doing business with 3M. This includes the Purchase Order (PO), Purchase Order Acknowledgement (POA), Advance Ship Notice (ASN), Invoice and Payment. The ability and willingness to transact electronically will be a criteria for supplier selection and consolidation. Learn more in the eCommerce Supplier Collaboration section below.

  • As part of our Business Transformation initiative, 3M is introducing eCommerce Supplier Collaboration tools that will enable electronic trading relationships with our suppliers. These tools will enable suppliers to view documents electronically.

    • Purchase Orders – view, download or interface directly into a supplier’s ERP system
    • Purchase Order Acknowledgements – confirm and correct details of purchase orders
      (Required within 2 business days of the PO being sent)
    • Advanced Shipment Notices – confirm details of shipment quantities, dates, information
      (Required 24 hours prior to shipment, time permitting, i.e., PO was delivered more than 24 hours prior to shipment)
    • Invoices – send electronic invoices (where legal and regulatory supported)
    • On-line Catalogues

    The benefits to 3M and our suppliers will be:

    • Real-time communication and visibility of purchasing data
    • Reduction in paper, manual data processing and lost paperwork
    • Early identification and correction of errors in purchasing data
    • Reduction in receiving and invoice match exception errors
    • Improved data processing accuracy and efficiency
    • Enable invoices to be paid on time.

    We have four different tools that enable the electronic delivery and exchange of purchase orders, purchase order acknowledgements, advanced shipment notices and invoices between 3M and our suppliers. The appropriate tool will be determined based on type of activity and volumes. Suppliers will be approached by the 3M Regional eCommerce Team, as appropriate. We look forward to your support of our Business Transformation.

    1. Ariba: (Location is based on 3M’s deployment country not the supplier’s.)
    2. Corcentric - Enter a ticket to the Corcentric Support Team P: 216-525-0238
      Covers all purchases (direct, indirect, sub-contracting POs)
    3. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
      Covers all purchases (direct, indirect, sub-contracting POs)
    4. Supply Network Collaboration (SNC)
      • Covers sub-contracting POs
      • Also supports inventory collaboration with suppliers (sharing of net demand, SMI)

    Connect with Supplier eCommerce Support to learn more about 3M eCommerce options.

  • Transactions which will enable all suppliers to share documents and data with 3M electronically.

    Supplier Guidelines

    ANSI Version 4010
    PDF Document 850 - Purchase Order (98K)
    PDF Document 860 - Purchase Order Change (95K)
    PDF Document 855 - Purchase Order Acknowledgement / POA (45K)
    PDF Document 856 - Advanced Ship Notice / ASN (65K)
    PDF Document 810 - Invoices (64K)
    PDF Document 820 - Remittance Advice (46K)
    PDF Document 830 - Forecasts (Delivery Schedules) (73K)

    EDIFACT Version 96A
    PDF Document ORDERS - Purchase Order (117K)
    PDF Document ORDCHG- Purchase Order Change (112K)
    PDF Document ORDRSP- Purchase Order Acknowledgement / POA (73K)
    PDF Document DESADV - Advanced Ship Notice / ASN (73K)
    PDF Document DELFOR - Delivery Schedule Message (127K)
    PDF Document INVOIC - Invoices (98K)
    PDF Document REMADV - Remittance Advice (42K)

    Carrier Guidelines
    PDF Document 110 - Freight Invoice ANSI version 4010 (307K)
    PDF Document 210 - Freight Invoice ANSI version 4010 (96K)
    PDF Document 310 - Freight Invoice ANSI version 4010 (313K)

    VAN: A Value Added Network is an independent company offering services for electronic transmissions of transactions. It is a requirement that Sterling Commerce is leveraged as the VAN in our Source to Pay eCommerce transactions.